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When I Get You 1-3 New Sales Each Week..... How Much Will You Make?

I want to live coach you every week on how to stop missing deals, what to say to close more deals and how to be happier and more successful in business

If you are here I am going to presume that you are suffering from a few problems

1. You don't have ENOUGH LEADS
2. You generate leads but they ghost you
3. You have a low 10%-30% conversion
4. You know you could be performing better
5. You have a business that needs an overhaul

You are likely waking up every day wondering what you can do differently after trying all the different "Get rich quick" solutions. You want help but you are scared to invest again and get no results.
I hear you......

When I Get You 1-3 New Sales Each Week..... How Much Will You Make?

We want to live coach you every week on how to stop missing deals, what to say to close more deals and how to be happier and more successful in business

If you are here I am going to presume that you are suffering from a few problems

1. You don't have ENOUGH LEADS
2. You generate leads but they ghost you
3. You have a low 10%-30% conversion
4. You know you could be performing better
5. You have a business that needs an overhaul

You are likely waking up every day wondering what you can do differently after trying all the different "Get rich quick" solutions. 

You want help but you are scared to invest again and get no results.

I hear you......

Let Me Live Train You

You are not alone, and here’s what I will tell you. Sales, Selling, business growth doesn't need to be hard. But unfortunately...... Most people are slightly off and it just ends up with no, or low results.

Now if this is the case for you too, I can help you
As the help I give directly makes you more effective in your business, and, then directly makes you money, I can help you without charging you crazy upfront fees.

Then...... you can implement what we teach, get more results, and then you will finally have the confidence and the money to hire us for that next level of growth, sound good so far?

I have decided that as there are so many people who just need that leg up in skills + mindset.

I want you to have a place that you get trained live each week, and have access to a library of top notch trainings that can help you in every area of business that revolve around sales and marketing so you can go our to the world and become your full potential.

If I could share what is in my head, what I have experienced, what i have learned over the 20 years in sales, you would see the business world very different.
Often what we think we need to do and what will really impact our business is completely different.

Now imagine I am right.......

You join the community, you get live trained by me every week, you get all of the skills, and the scripts to thrive in business you will suddenly have a renewed confidence and belief in your business, in yourself and with what we can do.

All this for just £147 today......

"David took one phone call upsell from $283,000 to over $763,000"

Raymond Granda, PMP

You are not alone, and here’s what I will tell you. Sales, Selling, business growth doesn't need to be hard. 

But unfortunately......

Most people are slightly off and it just ends up with no, or low results.

Now if this is the case for you too, I can help you.

As the help I give directly makes you more effective in your business, and, then directly makes you money, I can help you without charging you crazy upfront fees.

Then...... you can implement what we teach, get more results, and then you will finally have the confidence and the money to hire us for that next level of growth, sound good so far?

I have decided that as there are so many people who just need that leg up in skills + mindset.

All this for just £147 Today



12 Month Enrolment
Get access 24/7, 365 to all of my content - Countless tailored modern programs all designed to increase business performance. Hundreds of precise trainings direct to your desktop or access through our app on your smart phone

New Content Priority Access
Get immediate access to all new content launched this year before anyone else without extra cost (Saving you £Thousands)
Full Cold Calling Course (£1999 Value)
Our brand new 32 video course where you can learn and create a modern an effective way to generate new high ticket clients through the phones. 

Introducing TUSTA's Cold Calling Breakdown: Unlocking the Power of Effective Communication.
In today's competitive business landscape, the art of cold calling has become a crucial skill for companies aiming to expand their customer base and generate new opportunities. However, many sales professionals struggle with this daunting task, often facing rejection, disengaged prospects, and unproductive conversations.

High Ticket Mindset Training (£999 Value)
Having the right mindset is key. I am someone that overcome a huge amount of problems and struggle over the years, I reveal the steps I used to go from a bankrupt state to a thriving mindset so you can thrive in any business situation.

Unleash Your Potential with TUSTA's Mindset Training: Empowering Salespeople and Entrepreneurs for Success.
Sales Basics (£1,495 Value)
In this 20 part video series with breakdown the modern foundations needed for high success in High Ticket Closing and Negotiations, Stop second guessing and within a few hours you will have transformed the way you work with rocketing results.

Master the Fundamentals with TUSTA's Sales Basic Program: Your Gateway to Sales Excellence.
Develop A Winning Offer (£799 Value)
Craft Compelling Offers with TUSTA's "Design a Winning Offer" Program: Elevate Your Sales Strategy and Drive Unparalleled Results.

In the realm of sales, a well-designed and irresistible offer is the key to capturing attention, engaging prospects, and closing deals with ease. TUSTA proudly presents "Design a Winning Offer," an innovative program that equips sales professionals with the knowledge and skills to create compelling offers that stand out in today's competitive market.
Productivity Hacks (£299 Value)
Unlock Your Full Productivity Potential with TUSTA's Productivity Hacks Training: Maximize Efficiency and Accomplish More in Less Time.

Stop wearing the 14 hour day as a badge of honour, we will increase ability and productivity meaning you can either works the same and earn more, or work less and still smile any the results you make.
Magic Prospecting (£999 Value)
Supercharge Your Prospecting Skills with TUSTA's Prospecting Training Programs: Unleash a World of Opportunities and Skyrocket Your Sales.

Prospecting lies at the heart of sales success, but finding and engaging quality leads can be a challenging endeavour. TUSTA presents its cutting-edge Prospecting Training Programs, designed to equip sales professionals with the strategies and techniques needed to master the art of prospecting and unlock a world of lucrative opportunities.
Question Library (£499 Value)
Unlock the Power of Effective Questions with TUSTA's Question Library: Your Ultimate Resource to Research, Learn, and Implement Winning Strategies in Sales and Business.

In the realm of sales and business, the right questions can make all the difference. TUSTA introduces its ground-breaking Question Library, a comprehensive resource that empowers sales professionals and entrepreneurs to master the art of questioning and elevate their communication skills to new heights.
Personal Development (£249 Value)
Embark on a Journey of Personal Growth with TUSTA's Personal Development Trainings: Unlock Your Potential and Create a Life of Fulfillment.

TUSTA believes that personal development is the foundation for achieving success and living a fulfilling life. That's why we offer a range of transformative Personal Development Trainings, designed to empower individuals to unlock their true potential and create positive change in every aspect of their lives.
Objections Bible (£999 Value)
Master the Art of Objection Handling with TUSTA's Modern Methods Program: Overcome Sales Obstacles and Close Deals with Confidence.

In the fast-paced world of sales, objections are inevitable. To succeed, you must be equipped with the skills to address objections effectively and turn them into opportunities. TUSTA proudly presents its groundbreaking Objection Handling Program, designed to empower sales professionals with modern methods to sell effectively and conquer objections with confidence.
Closing Masterclasses (£1999 Value)
Master the Art of Closing Deals with TUSTA's Closing Masterclass Program: Transform Objections into Successful Closures and Achieve Sales Excellence.

Closing deals is the pinnacle of sales success, and mastering this crucial skill is essential for achieving exceptional results. TUSTA presents its exclusive Closing Masterclass Program, a transformative training designed to empower sales professionals with the strategies, techniques, and mindset needed to excel in closing deals.
Sales Scripts (£999)
Craft Winning Sales Pitches and Scripts with Ease through TUSTA's Sales Scripts Training: Unlock Your Persuasive Power and Close Deals with Confidence.

In the world of sales, the right words can make all the difference. TUSTA introduces its revolutionary Sales Scripts Training, a transformative program designed to equip sales professionals with the skills and knowledge to create winning sales pitches and scripts effortlessly.
Automation Development Strategy Training £499
Reclaim Your Time and Nurture Your Audience Effortlessly with TUSTA's Simple and Effective Automations Trainings: Harness the Power of Automation to Achieve Business Growth and Efficiency.
Organic Lead Generation £799
Supercharge Your Business Growth with TUSTA's Lead Generation Program: Unlock a Stream of High-Quality Leads and Propel Your Success.

In the competitive business landscape, a consistent flow of high-quality leads is vital for sustained growth. TUSTA presents its ground-breaking Lead Generation Program, a transformative training designed to equip entrepreneurs and sales professionals with the strategies, techniques, and tools needed to generate a steady stream of qualified leads.
High Ticket Sales Team Hiring £999
Discover Top Sales Talent with TUSTA's Structured Sales Team Interview Process: Identify the Best Candidates and Build a High-Performing Sales Force.

Finding the right individuals for your sales team is critical to driving business success. TUSTA offers a comprehensive and structured Sales Team Interview Process designed to help you identify and select top sales talent that aligns with your organization's goals and values.
Master The Sale (£999 Value)
Elevate Your Closing Skills with TUSTA's Closing Masterclasses: Unleash Your Potential and Achieve Unparalleled Sales Success.

Closing deals is both an art and a science, and TUSTA's Closing Masterclasses are here to help you master the craft. Designed for sales professionals seeking to take their closing abilities to the next level, these immersive training sessions provide a transformative learning experience that unlocks your full potential in closing deals.
Goals Setting Mastery (£99 Value)
Achieve Unprecedented Success with TUSTA's Goals Mastery Trainings: Unlock Your Full Potential and Make Your Dreams a Reality.

Setting and achieving goals is the cornerstone of personal and professional success, and TUSTA's Goals Mastery Trainings are designed to guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery and achievement.
Led by expert coaches and trainers, TUSTA's Goals Mastery Trainings provide you with the tools, strategies, and mindset necessary to set ambitious goals, overcome obstacles, and turn your aspirations into tangible results.
Business Accelerator Training (£249)
Accelerate Your Business Growth with TUSTA's Business Accelerator Program: Propel Your Entrepreneurial Journey to New Heights of Success.

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur or a business owner looking to take your venture to the next level? TUSTA's Business Accelerator Program is your gateway to unlocking rapid growth and achieving unparalleled success.
Led by seasoned mentors and industry experts, TUSTA's Business Accelerator Program provides a comprehensive framework designed to turbocharge your entrepreneurial journey. With a focus on practical strategies and actionable insights, this program equips you with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to scale your business rapidly and sustainably.
Social Media Mastery (£249)
As a bonus there are simple step we use to gain over 1 Million Views in a month and how to convert those to interest and happy high ticket clients. Let me show you this too.
All over this combined is worth over £12,000
We have combined this all together into the platform for you to grow your business / boost your skills for one fee



You want to learn the fastest way to high ticket sales success and the frameworks that build out a successful business. This is for you!

You want to outperform the competition and become a world-class sales pro in your industry...

You're ready to take the necessary steps to rocket your sales strategy and see EXPONENTIAL career growth...

You want to get MORE leads, MORE appointments, and MORE money on the books...



Even if you're new to your position or your sales skills are out of practice...

Even if you feel you lack the confidence you need to close HUGE deals...

Even if you don't consider yourself a "sales person"....

Even if you've taken a sales course before and didn't see any results...



You NEED a competitive advantage. Understanding the nuances of sales, psychology, lead generation, pipeline management, closing, and retention can be yours. If you aren't fine tuning your skills, your competitors will. The Ultimate Sales Training Academy provides YOU with the edge you need to WIN.


The Ultimate Sales Training Academy is YOUR secret weapon.


Q: I've tried other sales trainings. What makes this one any different?
  • A: There are a lot of sales trainings out there, and to be perfectly frank, not all of them are worth the money. That's why TUSTA is different; I take my 20+ years of hands-on experience in the Sales space and break it down into actionable, repeatable steps so that you can experience REAL results from my training.
Q: Can I see how the training modules work?
  • A: Yes! We're more than happy to book a live demo with you and show you how to use our platform and how you can get the best possible experience from The Ultimate Sales Training Academy.
Q: What if I need help?
  • A: If you need ANY assistance or troubleshooting with our platform, we are 100% available to help. email;
Q: Will The Ultimate Sales Training Academy help if my company or team is brand new?
  • A: The absolute best time to start training your sales team, no matter how experienced they are, is right now. The Ultimate Sales Training Academy is designed for sales teams of all experience levels, from recent grads to seasoned sales pros. Remember, Sales is an eroding skill; no matter how long you've been doing it, you still need to practice.
Q: We need extra help. Do you do consulting?
  • A: I do. You can find out more about my Batman Service -
More questions about The Ultimate Sales Training Academy? Let me know!